Although not required to use a Lawyer to buy property in Turkey, we recommend that you do. We are able to introduce independent lawyers in Turkey . A lawyer usually costs 500GBP or(750 Euro)(1000 USD) - 1000GBP or (1250 Euro)(1500 USD) for their services. As buying a property in Turkey can become a lengthy process with a lot of important transactions a cautious buyer would consult a Lawyer who will provide advise on legal services. They can also gather information on : -
Official records of properties from TAPU offices
Who owns a particular property
Whether a property has been correctly built with all the necessary licenses
Company registration records at the Chambers of Commerce
Financial viability of a company
A good solicitor will do all the necessary searches and make the relevant checks to ensure you are buying property the legal way .
Legal service s in Turkey provide good and comparatively cheap services .